Judith Esaburu, a 31-year-old farmer from Maracha District Young Farmers Association (DYFA) in Northern Uganda, is a trainer of trainers under a project titled, “Towards social justice in Uganda, driven by inclusive and sustainable family entrepreneurship,” Trias DGD program.

Esaburu, who also doubles as a treasurer of the Maracha DYFA, is a renowned piggery, poultry, and rice farmer. She recalls that she joined UNYFA at the recommendation of Vincent Ariaka, the chairperson of the DYFA.

Being part of UNYFA has enabled her to gain even more knowledge in the field of agriculture in lobby and advocacy. Esaburu says she has now become a voice for the voiceless farmers in the district with the empowerment of the DGD program.

She is a beneficiary among the young agriprenuers the program has supported since it’s onset in 2022 whose social economic livelihoods have been transformed.

The skills she gained further opened new opportunities for Judith whereby in 2023, she was selected for a 10-day exposure trip to Germany under the Enhancing the Capacity of Young Women in Agribusiness (ECAWA) project, where she learned new skills and was inspired to introduce the eco-saving oven to her community. This innovation aims to reduce deforestation and promote environmental sustainability.

“It was a stepping stone, but also when I got the opportunity to travel to Germany for a 10-day exposure trip in 2023 in the international rural exchange program under the ECAWA project as a beneficiary, this was an eye opener for me.” Esaburu reveals.

” I received funding worth UGX 1M for the eco-saving oven,” said Esaburu. She has trained 30 women from 3 sub-counties, including Dokolo, Kaomro, Nydria, and Yivu in Maracha district. She says all the farmers she has trained now have these ovens in their homes.

Esaburu has now successfully trained over 90 young farmers in various fields, such as entrepreneurship, climate change, gender, communication, and conflict management. A total of 60 farmers were trained under the DGD program while 30 were under ECAWA project.

Her impact extends beyond her community, as she has become a role model in her district. She has bridged the gap in business planning skills for rural women, empowering them to start their own businesses.

UNYFA together with our partners we celebrate Judith Esaburu’s achievements under the DGD program and commitment to empowering rural women in agriculture, providing a platform for leadership development and community impact.